Christian Faith & Values
As our youngest students begin their faith journey, we provide opportunities for them to learn about Jesus, and how they can love and follow him. Christian understandings and values are integral to the whole curriculum and central to daily class devotions, weekly Christian Studies classes, chapels and assemblies.
Secondary years are particularly formative years, particularly in regards to commitment of faith in Christ and the ways of God. Biblical principles and wisdom are threaded through every curriculum, discipline and subject linking faith and learning in relevant and meaningful ways. Every student undertakes Christian Studies and has the option to gain a Certificate in Christian Ministry through our Vetamorphous program in Years 11 and 12.

Student Leadership
We want to instill in our students the importance of being a positive influence to their peers and others. Key to this is the recognition and development of leadership skills. We have a Student Representative Council made up of students from Year levels (3-6) as well as a Year 6 student leadership team.
Student leadership and voice are vital at Secondary levels. Leadership is developed through learning, guidance, role modelling and opportunity. We have a Student Representative Council made up of representative for all six Year levels as well as having our Year 11 and 12 Senate with two College Captains and two College Vice-Captains. Students are regularly involved in surveys and forums where they can share about their learning and contribute to the development of College life.